Inicio Etiquetas Peter Fieldman

Etiqueta: Peter Fieldman

Xulio Formoso: Mariano Rajoy, defensor de las esencias de la derecha española

Spain: and now for something completely different

Peter Fieldman Not since the Transicion in 1978, which brought democracy to Spain after the demise of the Franco dictatorship, has the country seen such...
La explosión del San José, pintura al óleo de Samuel Scott (fechada entre 1730 y 1740)

The San José Treasure

Peter Fieldman The recent announcement by Colombian president, Juan Manuel Santos, of the discovery of the remains of the Spanish Galleon, San José, sunk by...
Peter Feldman: vecinos de París depositan flores en una de las localizaciones de los atentados.

The connection between terrorism and immigration

Peter Fieldman The massacre in Paris perpetrated by what seems to be a highly professional and ruthless group of terrorists, prepared to die for their...

The Battle of Waterloo June 18, 1815

Peter Fieldman Exactly two hundred years ago, during the winter of 1814 through to June 1815, Europe’s principal nations were locked in negotiations to determine...

Is it the end of bipartisan politics in Spain?

On 24th May voters went to the polls in thirteen Autonomous regions and over eight thousand municipalities in Spain’s regional and municipal elections. ...

Cuba’s future

Peter Fieldman Visiting Cuba before the demise of the current political regime was a longstanding dream of mine and it seems I made it...

Pujol: the spy who came in from the heat

Peter Fieldman D-Day 1944: the largest invasion force in history successfully landed on the shores of Normandy to end the Nazi domination of Europe....

Impunity and damage to democracy

Impunity definition: exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action Peter Fieldman No other word can so aptly describe how justice...

Adolfo Suárez, deep respect and smacked hypocrisy

Peter Fieldman “I can promise and I promise.” Undoubtedly the passing away of Adolfo Suarez last week was a monumental event. I managed to join...

Memories of Jarama, from old to new social battles

Peter Fieldman Last week I joined the AABI (Friends of the International Brigade) for the annual Jarama Walk, which is not a new dance fad...