Inicio Etiquetas Peter Fieldman

Etiqueta: Peter Fieldman

Xulio Formoso Mayo 1968

May 1968 in Paris: Memories of a British “Soixante Huitard” fifty years on

Peter Fieldman I was born and brought up in the United Kingdom with no French connection whatsoever.  Yet ever since I was a child I...
Catalanes por la independencia

Can Catalonia justify its claim for independence?

Peter Fieldman I have to admit that as a British citizen living in Spain I have never fully understood the political conflict between Madrid and...
Donald Trump recibe a Theresa May

Why Trump’s first decision is clearly wrong

Donald Trump’s ban on Muslims from specific countries to enter the USA is a rash decision, which will not reduce the risk of terrorism...
Maqueta del nuevo estadio de fútbol del Real Madrid, Santiago Bernabéu

Football: Too big to fail?

Peter Fieldman Has football become too powerful for its own good? The wealth generated from TV coverage and sponsorship by major multinational corporations has made...
Peter Fieldman: Italy torn apart

Italy: Shaken and Stirred

Peter Fieldman As Theresa May grapples with Brexit she should spare a thought for Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi as he prepares for his own...
Madrid, ciudad aspirante a la celebración de los JJ. OO. de verano de 2020

Sporting Morality: reform the IOC and FIFA to end corruption

Peter Fieldman Now that the Rio games have ended and Tokyo takes on the task of preparing the 2020 event perhaps it is time to...
El puerto de Lampedusa es la entrada en el Mediterráneo para miles de africanos

Will the migrant crisis destroy Europe ?

Peter Fieldman Nobody wishes to minimise the human tragedy which has been unfolding over the past five years in North Africa and the Middle East...
Wyndham Lewis: catálogo de la Fundación Juan March

The Unseen: a major exhibition of the post war Informalist period

Peter Fieldman Not since its Wyndham Lewis retrospective in 2010 has the March Foundation in Madrid put together so many works of art depicting the...
Angela Merkel y David Cameron en Bruselas

To Brexit or not to Brexit?

Peter Fieldman So David Cameron was able to return to London brandishing a paper. “I have spoken to the Chancellor and bring a piece to...
Refugiados sirios en Alemania

How the West is being lost  

Peter Fieldman Oscar Wilde once said. “If there is one thing worse than being talked about it is not being talked about”. Donald Trump certainly...