Pearse Hutchinson Inaugural Conference at Maynooth

Maynooth University Library is delighted to announce that the inaugural Annual Pearse Hutchinson Conference at Maynooth University will take place on Thursday 14 May 2015. Intended to give researchers, writers, scholars, librarians and archivists an insight into the breadth and wealth of the archive, the conference will address a range of themes.

Library-Pearse-Hutchinson-NUI-Maynooth Pearse Hutchinson Inaugural Conference at MaynoothIn late 2013 the archive of Irish writer Pearse Hutchinson was permanently deposited in the Library at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth (now Maynooth University (MU)). Hutchinson studied Spanish and Italian and travelled extensively, living in Spain for almost a decade, where he developed a deep love of the Catalan and Galician languages, cultures and literatures. His career was varied, encompassing poetry (in a variety of languages), translations, as well as frequent contributions to radio and print.

Speakers include Macdara Woods, Dr Philip Coleman, Prof. Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Dr Ed Madden, Dr Lucy Collins, PJ Kavanagh and Vincent Woods.

More information, conference programme and to register.

José Antonio Sierra Lumbreras
Licenciado en Filosofía y Letras, Magisterio y Estudios en la Escuela Oficial de Periodismo de Madrid. Residente 40 años en Francia, Reino Unido e Irlanda como profesor de español. En Irlanda fundó el Centró Español de Documentación y el Instituto Cultural Español, actual Instituto Cervantes de Dublín. Asímismo, fue corresponsal de: Agencia EFE, Diario Informaciones, Carta de España, Crónicas de la Emigración, España Exterior, La Región Internacional y Escuela Española. Jubilado.


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