‘selfie’, Word of the Year 2013

The winner of the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year’s competition, as just announced, is …


Obama, Cameron and Thorning-Schmidt’s ‘selfie’. Photo by Roberto Schmidt/AFP

The decision was unanimous this year, with little if any argument. This is a little unusual. Normally there will be some good-natured debate as one person might champion their particular choice over someone else’s. But this time, everyone seemed to be in agreement almost from the start. Other words were considered, as you will see from our shortlist, but selfie was the runaway winner. It’s not a new word. For starters, it has already been included in Oxford Dictionaries Online (although not yet in the Oxford English Dictionary), and we wrote about it as part of our occasional Words on the Radar series back in June 2012. But our Word of the Year need not be a new word. However, it does need to demonstrate some kind of prominence over the preceding year or so and selfie certainly fits the bill. It seems like everyone who is anyone has posted a selfie somewhere on the Internet. If it is good enough for the Obamas or The Pope, then it is good enough for Word of the Year.


Oxford Dictionaries defines selfie as:

(n.) a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website.

Oxford Dictionaries

Autofoto, alternativa en español a ‘selfie’

Manuel López
Fallece en diciembre de 2014, siendo editor adjunto de Periodistas en Español. Periodista, fotógrafo, profesor y consultor de medios. En la profesión desde 1966. Perteneció a las redacciones de 'Gaceta ilustrada', 'Cuadernos para el Diálogo", 'El Periódico" y 'Tiempo'. En 1982 funda FOTO, revista que edita y dirige hasta 2009 (287 números). Fue vocal por el sector de la Fotografía en la Comisión Redactora del Anteproyecto de Ley de Propiedad Intelectual de 1987. Profesor de Fotografía de la Universidad Nebrija (1997-2001). Desde 2000, vinculado a la Escuela Superior de Publicidad. Autor de 'Fotografía Creativa', guía didáctica de un curso en una plataforma 2.0 (282 págs., Maren, Madrid, 2010). Su exposición fotográfica antológica 'Manuel López 1966-2006' va camino de 40 itinerancias por España y América.


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