

En Periodistas en Español colaboran profesionales de la comunicación multilíngües.

Cristiano Ronaldo, model of the image campaign of its underwear line CR7 by Cristiano Ronaldo. Photo by Giampaolo Sgura


Cristiano Ronaldo officially launches his CR7 by Cristiano Ronaldo collection at Palacio de Cibeles, Madrid’s famous City Hall World famous sportsman Cristiano Ronaldo made a...
Billy Graham

Billy Graham Named Among Gallup’s ‘Most Admired’ for 57th Time

Billy Graham has once again been named by Americans as one of the most admired people in the world. The 95-year-old evangelist has held...

Is it the end of bipartisan politics in Spain?

On 24th May voters went to the polls in thirteen Autonomous regions and over eight thousand municipalities in Spain’s regional and municipal elections. ...
Edificios bombardeados en Alepo

 Is Aleppo Russia’s Guernica?

Peter Fieldman The guns have fallen silent in Aleppo but will the fragile cease fire last? Assad with his Russian allies claims to have finally...
Dr. Agnes Abuom

Dr Agnes Abuom, first woman and African moderator elected to the WCC Central Committee

In one of their first decisions as the Central Committee for the World Council of Churches, the newly installed 150-member committee made history Friday...
El libro titulado ‘Al salir de la cárcel’, en su presentación en la Universidad de Salamanca / David Arranz-ICAL

‘Al salir de la cárcel’: 50 traductores riman en su idioma a Fray Luis...

La Universidad de Salamanca (Usal) acaba de publicar  en un libro conmemorativo el poema de Fray Luis de León ‘Al salir de la cárcel’...
International organisations unite to close the KAICIID Global Forum in Vienna

KAICIID Interfaith Global Forum in Vienna concludes

KAICIID Partners Commit to Unprecedented and Sustained Dialogue in Field of Education The KAICIID Global Forum on the Image of the Other in Interreligious...

Santayana said it!

Jack Gaioni* Most of us are familiar with the expression: 'Those who cannot remember past history are condemned to repeat it'. The same man...
Manuel Darriba. Foto: Toño de López (detalle)

Grises (Esta crise deprimente, que afunde a moitos no mar da pobreza )

Por Manuel Darriba, Premio Fernández del Riego de Xornalismo 2013 da Fundación Novacaixagalicia e o Ámbito Cultural de El Corte Inglés   Esta crise deprimente, que afunde...
Dantzak Zerutxu. Bilboko Aste Nagusia 2013

2013ko Bilboko Aste Nagusia

Gure folklore eta kiroletako jarduerak, bilboko Aste Nagusiko marka bereizgarriak   Jai Batzordeko presidente eta Bilboko Udaleko Jaietako eta Herritarrei Laguntzeko Sailaren Zinegotzi ordezkari Itziar...

Noticias de Madrid, Europa, Mundo

Centrados en la Comunidad de Madrid pero con la mirada puesta en lo que ocurre en España y en el mundo.