Billy Graham Named Among Gallup’s ‘Most Admired’ for 57th Time

Billy Graham has once again been named by Americans as one of the most admired people in the world. The 95-year-old evangelist has held 57 times in the 67 years the annual Gallup poll has been conducted.

Billy Graham

Mr. Graham first appeared on the list in 1955. Since then, he has been named among the top 10 most admired men a record number of times.

According to Gallup, each year, American adults are surveyed by phone and asked to answer an open-ended question about which person in the world they admire most. This year’s survey took place Dec. 5-8 and polled 1,031 Americans.

President Barack Obama took the top spot, with 16 percent of those polled naming him as “most admired.” The sitting president has held the No. 1 position for 57 of the last 67 years.

Former President George W. Bush and Pope Francis were tied for the No. 2 spot. Mr. Graham and former President Bill Clinton were next on the list.

Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama and Sarah Palin topped this year’s list of most admired women.

While Mr. Graham holds the record for most appearances on the “most admired men” list, Queen Elizabeth II holds the record for most appearances on the women’s list, with 46 top 10 finishes since 1948.

Mr. Graham turned 95 on Nov. 7, the same day his latest video message, The Cross, aired on nationwide television.

The 30-minute video, which is still available online and on DVD, is the flagship video in a series of new messages that are part of the nationwide movement, My Hope America with Billy Graham.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association enlisted the help of young believers including rapper Lecrae, singer Lacey Sturm and professional football player David Tyree, all of whom joined Mr. Graham in explaining the Gospel to people across North America.

“With all my heart, I want to leave you with the truth,” Mr. Graham told millions of viewers who watched The Cross.

The “pastor to presidents” says he has wept for the United States and prays continually for Americans to repent of their sin and put their faith and hope in Jesus Christ.

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Manuel López
Fallece en diciembre de 2014, siendo editor adjunto de Periodistas en Español. Periodista, fotógrafo, profesor y consultor de medios. En la profesión desde 1966. Perteneció a las redacciones de 'Gaceta ilustrada', 'Cuadernos para el Diálogo", 'El Periódico" y 'Tiempo'. En 1982 funda FOTO, revista que edita y dirige hasta 2009 (287 números). Fue vocal por el sector de la Fotografía en la Comisión Redactora del Anteproyecto de Ley de Propiedad Intelectual de 1987. Profesor de Fotografía de la Universidad Nebrija (1997-2001). Desde 2000, vinculado a la Escuela Superior de Publicidad. Autor de 'Fotografía Creativa', guía didáctica de un curso en una plataforma 2.0 (282 págs., Maren, Madrid, 2010). Su exposición fotográfica antológica 'Manuel López 1966-2006' va camino de 40 itinerancias por España y América.


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